Popcorn fundraiser 4/15/2022 to 4/19/2022
Great News!
We’re working with our popcorn partners for a few days. And who doesn’t like popcorn??
In collaboration with Double Good Popcorn, North Brunswick Humane Association (NBHA) will host an online Pop Up fundraiser starting Friday, April 15th 5:00 PM through Tuesday, April 19th 5:00 PM.
But the best news is – 50% of all proceeds will go to NBHA!
There are a few ways to help
1) Create your own store and sell popcorn on behalf of our fundraising event.
Before the fundraiser begins:
1. Download the Double Good app
2. Enter our Event Code ZWORQT in the app
3. Create your Pop-Up Store if you want, it’s not required but it can make selling more personal if the buyer sees your name and info.
*The app is available for free on iOS and Android.
2) Buy some popcorn by clicking the link below.
You MUST use the link to purchase and ensure NBHA receives 50% of the funds raised.
A minimum purchase of $18 is required.
Each purchase will be sent directly to the purchaser’s address.
HERE IS THE LINK: https://popup.doublegood.com/s/j3s619mn
3) Share this page or the above link on social media with your friends and family.
There are sharing icons located in the upper left corner of this page or feel free to copy and paste the URL from your web browser window and share as you like.
Note: Members can place an order on his or her own computer or smartphone for someone who does not have internet access. Just use the link above to enter your contributor’s name, address, and payment information to make the purchase. NBHA will still receive 50% of the proceeds accordingly.
Let’s get this popcorn sold and in our supporters’ hands. We only have 4 days to do it! The more we sell, the more animals we can help.
Besides, the popcorn is really double good!
Please contact Erica with any questions at erica@northbrunswickhumane.org
Remember, the fundraiser will end at 12:01 am on Tuesday, April 19th.